Write Like A Mother: Never Giving Up

Whether you are a parent or not, writing isn’t easy and it definitely isn’t for the faint of heart. There are so many times when you want to throw in the towel. Add kids into the mix, it makes really hard to silence the voice in your head that for various reason tells you to stop. The mom guilt, the feeling that you should be doing something else – cleaning, cooking, laundry, whatever. So here are some thoughts on silencing that voice.
What do you say to the little voice that says not to write and give it up?
Fuck you, voice. Your ticket says second balcony, not front row, so get back up there. (Yes, I can still hear it sometimes, but not nearly as well.)
Sara Read (Twitter: @sarareadauthor)
Can I swear? Imposter syndrome is a bitch. It’s also unavoidable—which is helpful in a way! Once you realize that literally EVERYONE gets it at one point or another, it is easier to push past it and not give up. I can’t always silence the little voice that tells me maybe my writing isn’t good enough, but what I *can* do is open up my draft and write anyway. Maybe I’ll get published, maybe I won’t—but I will have WRITTEN A NOVEL which is more than a lot of people can say and an incredible accomplishment on its own.
Dallas Stotland (Twitter: @DallasStotland)
I’ll tell you what my oldest kid said a few years ago when he was about 6 or so. I was struggling with revisions on a project that I loved, but that wasn’t coming together the way I wanted it to. He heard me grumbling about the work I had to do and told me that if I didn’t do the hard part, nobody would, and then he couldn’t read my book. So, every time I get to the hard part, I push through. If I won’t do it, who will?
Amber Roberts (Twitter: @arobertswrites)
Sometimes I listen to that voice and take a break and “give it up” for a day or even a week. Being a parent is tough and if you’re forcing time for writing, it can feel painful. I’d rather not write for a spell than push myself to do it and resent the practice or feel like I’m writing crap. But everything ebbs and flows and it will come back to you, and you’ll find time for it, and it will all work out. And sometimes letting your mind wander while playing trains with your kid counts as writing =)
Allison Renner (Twitter: @allisonrwriters)
Jackie Bahas (Twitter: @jackie_write)
I’m struggling with that voice today, actually. For the time being, I’m telling it that writing makes me happy, and if I never get an agent or a book deal, that will be enough.
Lindsey Babuder (Twitter: @LBabuder)
Parent or not, that voice can get loud. Hopefully these words of wisdom from these wonderful women will help you tell that voice to be quiet and let you write.
This is the final post in this series (at least for now). I want to thank all of the wonderful moms again who took the time to take my survey and give their honest and amazing answers. You are all incredible!