On Screen: Can You Keep a Secret?

Many years ago (2003 to be precise), Sophie Kinsella came out with her first stand-alone novel CAN YOU KEEP A SECRET? I was a huge Sophie Kinsella fan and read it immediately (I still have it in hardback). I loved it.
Flash forward 16 years, and they made it into a movie! One I didn’t see! Strange right? I have a vague memory of seeing it was going to be a movie, but that’s about it.
So when my friend Angi texted me and told me I 1. had to watch it and 2. prepare my husband that I would be watching it over and over, I naturally watched it immediately.
Naturally, she was right. So even though the pickings are slim for rom coms these days, there is a decent chance you haven’t seen this one, and you should. (Apparently it was really panned by critics. I learned this from Wikipedia. It should come as no surprise that I don’t care what the critics say).
Emma (Alexandra Dadarrio) works for organic food company Panda. On a flight back from a work trip, the plane encounters turbulence. Thinking she’s going to die, Emma drunkenly spills ALL of her secrets to the handsome man sitting next to her.
At work, the company’s extrememly reclusive owner Jack (Tyler Hoechlin) pays them a visit and guess who it is? Emma’s seatmate from the plane! Who knows all of her work and personal secrets! Like that she is deeply unsatisfied with her boyfriend (who I honestly don’t understand why she is dating to begin with). And she’s trying to kill her co-worker’s plant. And that she has “meetings” but really she goes for coffee.
Naturally Jack takes every opportunity he can to needle Emma about the things she confessed to him (Which was pretty damn funny & something I would do). Emma ends things with her boyfriend, things start to happen with Jack… I’ll leave it at that.

Is it silly? Yes. Is it fun? Yes. Am I easily entertained? Also yes. Will I watch it again? Absolutely.
Was it problematic that he owns the company and she works there? I mean yes and no. He’s super absent, not even in the office. Like she didn’t even know what Jack looked like and she’s worked there for a couple of years. Do I tend to look past that? Yes I do. But Jack is SUPER CUTE. Also he’s rich and damaged. (Okay, if this was real life, like obviously it would be an issue but it’s a movie and it gets a pass).
So is this truly a spectacular movie? Or am I so starved for rom coms that I’ll take anything? I don’t know. Probably more of the latter. But if you aren’t looking for something MIND BLOWING and really just want something fun, give this one a try. (And don’t come at me about the whole boss thing because I 100% warned you).