Book Review: A Brush with Love
I read another of my most anticipated reads for the first half of 2022, and let me tell you, there was a reason it was one of the most anticipated!! I had been seeing people SCREAMING their praises for A BRUSH WITH LOVE by Mazey Eddings for months, and I can say EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM WAS RIGHT.
It is so quirky, so funny, so heartfelt, with anxiety rep in a really unique setting (dental school!) And my love for Dental Dan is so strong.

Harper has put everything she has into her years in dental school with no distractions. And she plans on keeping that way in her final year, until she literally runs into Dan, a first year dental student who doesn’t share Harper’s love of all things teeth. But because Harper is determined to stay focused and follow her meticulous plan that does NOT involve falling in love, Dan agrees to just be friends.
Try as they might, Harper and Dan can’t help their deepening feelings as they grow closer. But Harper can’t risk losing control and losing everything she’s worked for, no matter how she feels about Dan.
Look I just need to take a second to do my own screaming about this book – OMG YOU MUST READ IT IS IS AMAZING I LOVE IT SO MUCH.
Phew. Glad I got that out of my system. I love Dan and Harper so much. I never knew I could love a book so much about dentists and teeth! But I do!
Harper’s extreme anxiety felt so real, and really hit close to home since it is something I have dealt with for YEARS. The feelings of absolutely needing to have control 24/7, the panic attacks, the careful planning of absolutely everything … yeah I identified with it. Perhaps a little too much.
And Dan is just so funny and sweet and patient and he is the best book boyfriend!
But anyway, this book has so much emotion, so much heart. And the CHEMISTRY!!!! Wow. If you like romance (and I assume you do if you are reading this), you absolutely must read this!
And exciting news! Harper’s friend Lizzie is getting a book next! LIZZIE BLAKE’S BEST MISTAKE comes out September 6th!