Author Love: Beatriz Williams

Confession – I don’t read much historical fiction. It’s not that I don’t like it, I just don’t have nearly enough time to read ALL of the things (I think we can all understand that). And historical fiction isn’t a genre I normally venture into very often.
Except when it comes to Beatriz Williams. (What does this have to do with romance? I’m getting there).
A few years ago, I joined Book of the Month and one of the choices one month was The Summer Wives by Beatriz Williams. I had never heard of her but it sounded good, so I gave it a try. I read it in like 3 days or something. So then I started researching and she has SO many books. I quickly began consuming them at rapid speed until I was all caught up and anxiously awaiting her releases. I also sucked my friend Angi into reading them and we are the co-presidents of her 2 person fan club.

I even went to see her when The Golden Hour was released and she did an event / signing. Look I’m not showing off… ok yeah I am 🙂
So what does this have to do with romance? Because Beatriz writes amazing romance. I’m not sure I would say it is historical romance, but I would say it is historical fiction with strong romantic elements. And there is PLENTY of romance for it to count.
The women are all strong female leads, spunky with great voices. Her books are almost always at least dual POV. They mostly revolve around the Schuyler family in New York, but all of her books have some connections, which is why I highly recommend you read them in order of publication (I’ll get to that). One of my favorite things is when characters from one book appear in another, and Beatriz has created this entire family web that weaves in and out. Several of them can stand on their own, but the entire world builds with each book that you read. And even if you *think* something is stand alone, it more than likely is going to reappear somewhere else. In fact, there isn’t a single book that doesn’t have some reference or character appearance from another book.
So here is the order in which you should read her books:
(Her first book is called Overseas and isn’t connected with these at all, just FYI but it is good)
A Hundred Summers
The Secret Life of Violet Grant
Tiny Little Things
Along the Infinite Sea
A Certain Age
The Wicked City
Cocoa Beach
The Summer Wives
The Golden Hour
The Wicked Redhead
Her Last Flight
Our Woman in Moscow
The Wicked Widow
*And since this is a romance blog, I feel I should tell you not all of them have HEA because some are series and also one has a very ambiguous ending.
I have read everything up to The Wicked Widow, and I can’t wait to start it! I have some favorites, but I love all of her books.
If you haven’t read Beatriz Williams, I highly recommend you read A Hundred Summers (and then keep going!)