Why Happily Ever After

Welcome! If you’ve found this blog post, you either ended up here by mistake, possibly read my old blog or you, like me, love romance. So if that’s the case, maybe you’ll stick around.
I began my love of romance, specifically romantic comedies, at a fairly young age. They were always my favorite movies. My grandmother for some reason only owned like 5 VHS tapes, and one of them was You’ve Got Mail. To this day it is still my favorite movie. (“Don’t you just love New York in the fall? It makes me want to buy school supplies.”) Anyways, I’ve watched it about 10 million times, along with others. When Harry Met Sally, Notting Hill, How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, While You Were Sleeping. There are so many great rom coms I could go on and on and on. And I will! But not right now.
Then I realized that there were books that felt like those fantastic rom com movies! And then I decided that I would take a shot at writing my own rom com books. So here I am.
So why happily ever after? Why not! Who doesn’t love a happy ending? I realize a lot of people might, but around these parts, we do. Also let’s go ahead and clear that up – for something to be a romance, it must have a happily ever after (HEA) or a happy for now (HFN). Some people might disagree, but they would be wrong. Sorry. I like knowing that in the end, no matter what happens, the main character and the love interest are going to figure out a way to work it out. That love will conquer all. That the happy couple rides off into the sunset (or wanders through the park with Brinkley in the Spring … sorry). Is it predictable? Only in that you know going in that somehow it will all be ok in the end. And isn’t that what we all want? To know that everything will be ok? I do.
The fact is, I love romance, whether it’s books or movies or music. So that’s going to be the main topic of this blog. I may throw in some general writing things here and there. I also can’t promise I won’t talk about random things like children’s books because I have a child and read a lot of board books. It won’t just be rom coms, but there will be plenty.
What to expect – Posts once a week (ish?). I don’t think I could handle more than that. There will definitely be cursing, sarcasm, and rambling. Beyond that I’m not 100% sure. I have some things planned – book reviews, trope discussion, couples. I was thinking a movie re-watch might be fun (I’ll be re-watching them before I talk about them anyway). If that sounds like something you might be interested, let me know and I’ll post in advance what movie I’m going to watch.
If you happen to want more from me, you can follow me on Instagram and Twitter (both @nikkihodum).
Where does your old blog live? Is it defunct or can we access it?
The old blog is no more 🙂 it was more fashion and lifestyle and less books (although still plenty of books)