On Screen: Plus One

There haven’t been a ton of romantic comedies that have come out in recent years, and I can’t remember how I stumbled upon Plus One (it was researching potential posts for this blog), but it came out in 2019 and I had no idea. And it stars Jack Quaid (Meg Ryan & Dennis Quaid’s son). So if the queen of rom com’s son is starring in a rom com, the rule is you must watch it. Right?
Well, either way, I did. (As always, there will be spoilers, so proceed at your own risk).
Ben (Jack Quaid) and Alice (Maya Erskine) are friends from college. Both single, Alice is getting over a break up and Ben is searching for his perfect woman. Each have been invited to way too many weddings (I honestly do not understand how they know so many people getting married in one year). To avoid going by herself, Alice suggests they attend all of the weddings together and be each other’s plus ones. Alice is a bit of a mess, who maybe works some job that we don’t know about. Ben is a bit of a self sabotager / commitment-phobe who has something to do with tech and start up.

As they go to more weddings, Ben and Alice realize there is a spark between them, which they finally give into (IN A CEMETERY) , and quickly become a couple. But that doesn’t last long when Ben tanks the relationship because he isn’t 100% sure Alice is THE ONE. But eventually he comes to his senses, begs for her back, and they live happily ever after and go to ANOTHER wedding (his father’s 3rd).
There were some super funny scenes in this movie. Basically everything with Alice was hilarious. And all of the speeches from various weddings were great (also so cringey). Also in one scene THERE’S ONLY ONE BED (and it is also really really funny).
So is this movie good? I have no idea. As I’ve said before, I’m easily entertained. I thought it was funny, Alice was delightful. Ben was harder to root for, but I still did. The ending was kind of rushed. But if you like rom coms and looking for something new, give it a try!
Plus One is streaming on Hulu. Boom shakalaka. (You’ll just have see the movie).