New Year’s Resolutions

I’m a goal setter. Always have been. And they are usually huge, lofty, somewhat unattainable goals (like “I’m going to read 300 books, write 15 new manuscripts, beta for 85 people and travel the world while working full time with a toddler). I tend to set really intense deadlines and then nearly break my neck to make them. Why? I don’t know. I guess it’s the type A, overachiever in me. I like to push myself as hard as possible, which I understand is somewhat unhealthy.
The truth is, 2022 wasn’t a great year for me. Yes, I had some great things happen, like getting chosen for the KissPitch mentorship, but overall, 2022 kind of sucked. A lot. To give you a taste – it ended with a frozen pipe bursting and flooding my house on Christmas Eve and now we are living with my parents for the foreseeable future while my downstairs is practically being gutted. That’s about how my whole year went.
So I’m ready for a new, hopefully better year. And I’m setting a few goals for the year. What I am NOT doing is going overboard because I have a lot going on in 2023 (like getting my house put back together and seeing Taylor Swift in May) so I’m really trying to not set myself up for failure.
So here are a few things on my list:
- Finish my revision on my online dating rom com and send to a few early readers – I’ve been working on this the last month or so, but have stalled with the whole house flood thing. But I am going to get back at it and hope to send it out in the next month-ish.
- Finish querying my art rom com – Querying has been brutal, to be perfectly honest. I don’t have high hopes for this, but I’m going to finish querying in the next few months and then move on.
- Read the books I have – easier said than done but I have so many on my shelf to read!
- Listen to more audiobooks – I only read about 20 books in 2022, so I’m going to attempt to read more audio books this year so I can read more
- Blog more – I really fell off the blogging wagon in the fall, so I’m going to try to be a little more consistent here
- Plan my murder rom com – yes, you read that right. I am VERY excited about it, but also there is a very good chance it will break my brain.
- Get my online dating rom com ready to query – one thing you have to understand about me is I tend to assume worst case scenario. So before I ever started querying the book I am querying now, I assumed I wouldn’t get an agent with it.
Happy 2023!