Always seeking a happily ever after
About my writing
Like many writers, I’ve loved reading for as long as I can remember. I drank books in like water, as fast as I could. I also loved writing, but while I continued reading, I took a long hiatus from the writing.
I had a fashion and lifestyle blog for 10 years, but gave that up to devote my free time to writing books instead of blog posts.
It started with an idea that I just couldn’t get out of my head. Finally I opened a Word Doc and started typing, just to get it out of my mind. It was something I played with for several months, never planning to try to get published. I didn’t tell anyone for almost a year.
And then I was spending so much time on it, I thought why not? I’ve now written 3 romantic comedies and have a 4th in the works. I don’t have a book deal or agent or anything. I haven’t tried yet, but I’m hoping that will come!