Book Review: Just Haven’t Met You Yet

Last year, I read This Time Next Year by Sophie Cousens, and I absolutely loved it, so when I saw she had a new book coming out, I was very excited!
Laura is a hopeless romantic who works for a lifestyle website where she interviews couples about how they met (among other things). When she pitches a story about her parents’ meeting and the coin that brought them together, Laura is sent to the Channel Islands to write the story. Laura mistakenly picks up the wrong suitcase, and thinks the owner might just be the love of her life. Loves Phil Collins, plays music, has a copy of To Kill a Mockingbird, cable knit sweater. What more could she ask for? So she enlists the help of surly cab driver Ted to help her visit all of the places her parents went when they met while also looking for Mr. Suitcase.
I absolutely loved Just Haven’t Met You Yet. So many quirky characters (I am a sucker for super quirky characters. The quirkier, the better). Laura was fantastic. I loved Ted. Also very funny. Reminded me a little bit of a Sophie Kinsella book. Highly recommend this rom com!
Also if you like learning about author’s processes and the behind the scenes of writing a book, she did an interview with the Manuscript Academy podcast in November (I think). I personally really love reading/ listening / learning about other authors’ processes so I really enjoyed the episode.